Tuesday, June 25, 2013

EPA Set to Increase Levels of Controversial Chemical on Food

Friday, June 21, 2013

Adopt Healthy Options!

Mind Over Matter

"Hungry For Change"

If you have not seen this informative documentary, you're seriously missing out.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Mass Death of Thousands of Bees ... Bad News for Pollination

Written by: Mikael Thalen 

"An estimated 25,000 dead bumblebees were discovered this Monday near a Target parking lot in Wilsonville, Oregon.

Starting last Sunday, shoppers began noticing dead bumblebees falling from the trees in the shopping center plaza, home to roughly 65 European Linden trees.

The nonprofit conservation group, The Xerces Society, says calls began pouring in the following Monday, with reports of an incredible die off underway.

“To our knowledge, this is one of the largest documented bumble bee deaths in the Western U.S. It was heartbreaking to watch,” said Xerces Conservation Biologist Rich Hatfield.

The deaths likely represent the loss of as many as 150 bumblebee colonies, which are vital to Oregon agriculture. Dead honey bees and lady bird beetles were also discovered.

Members of Xerces, including Pollinator Conservation Program Director Mace Vaughan, immediately notified the Oregon Department of Agriculture, while also collecting specimens themselves. Vaugh plans to send the dead bees to an independent North Carolina lab that specializes in testing for the presence of pesticides.

“I’ve never seen any sort of a die-off of bumblebees on this scale,” said Vaughan.

After opening an investigation, the Oregon Department of Agriculture confirmed that pesticides had recently been sprayed on the trees.

“We’re aware of a pesticide application in the vicinity, but have not yet identified the active ingredient. We are in the process of interviewing parties that may have applied the pesticide,” said Dale Mitchell, an Oregon Department of Agriculture Representative.

According to Xerces Executive Director Scott Hoffman Black, the cause of death is likely from acute pesticide poisoning or the European Linden trees themselves, which are known to have poisonous species.

“If the trees are indeed toxic they should be cut down and replaced by something that will provide non-toxic pollen and nectar for bees. On the other hand, if pesticides are the cause, we need to spotlight this as a real-world lesson in the harm these toxic chemicals are causing to beneficial insects,” said Black.

Studies continue to point to pesticides as the major factor in falling bee numbers.

A recent study carried out by the European Food Safety Authority found that Bayer’s Clothianidin, a neuroactive pesticide used on 90 percent of US corn crops, is highly dangerous to bees.

A 2012 UK study by the University of Stirling found that bees consuming only one pesticide suffered an 85 percent loss in the number of queens their nests produced.

Another study last year by Purdue University found that the amount of pesticide coated on one kernel of corn alone was enough to kill tens of thousands of bees.

Pesticide giants such as Monsanto, Dow and Bayer have continued to deny any connection or wrongdoing despite the growing evidence to the contrary."



Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Oh No, Not Yet! ... Child Views Horrors of Factory Farming Practices!

Unfortunately, a stealthy 7-year-old - who was supposed to be asleep long ago - snuck downstairs while I was watching a film....and a few minutes after it transitioned to a new part of the documentary, and only when she started to cry and I heard sniffles, did I get up and come around the corner to see her in tears...

I had been watching "Vegucated" and had just finished the graphic area (where they show the torture, abuse and slaughter done in factory farming)....and I got a sick feeling that she had just watched the torture and slaughter of the pigs, baby pigs, hens and chicks. Hell, I was in tears at that point too, because there was absolutely no reason to treat those animals that way (stun gun immobilization & death, hanging until death, electrocution, cutting off body parts while still alive, sending them through a shaver machine while still alive, stuffing 10-20 hens in a cage, the list goes on...) 

So we then spent awhile discussing what had been seen, what it meant and where to go from here. She was in tears, but took it surprisingly well and could really articulate just how she felt and what she understood about everything.

I did not want to subject her to that until she was older and wanted to know, but there's no going back now. I suppose on the flip side of that; she has zero desire to touch chicken, beef or ham at any point in the future, and says she does not want eggs or milk ever again unless we can see "how they get it from the poor animal".... Cheese, on the other hand...well, she's on the fence with that.  ;-)

Poor kid. She was never really a big meat eater to begin with, but I don't know whether to cry or feel good about the fact that I likely destroyed cheese, eggs and milk for her too & that she will now perhaps always be a vegetarian or vegan from now on because she witnessed a harsh reality tonight. 

[Update - June 20, 2013]  No nightmares and in good spirits the next day, though still firmly resolved not to eat meat again...now that she is fully aware of just what she is eating when eating a hamburger, bacon, ham, etc...


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Truer Words Never Spoken....

Interestingly....these two are father and son: cardiologist Dr Caldwell Esselstyn and his Triathlete Firefighter Engine 2 Diet creator son, Rip Esselstyn. 

Both changed my life, along with my doc Jonathan Fish, MD and Dr Neal Barnard's "Program for Reversing Diabetes". ALL of them suggest and promote a plant-based, whole foods, modified vegan diet (modified being: as much organic and GMO-free as possible, with no refined sugars, no white flours, little to no processed "vegan meats", and no oils).

Confused? You Should Be... Concerned? You Better Be.

   And their position on this has NOT changed since 1998:

Just A Little Food Humor...If You Find Any of This Funny, That Is...

Sadly...This Is a True Representation of How It Really Is Evaluated!

Amazing Benefits of Bananas!


And in Today's News...

Forget for a moment the detriment that this food does to your body and overall health each time you ingest what these businesses call "food", and instead pay attention to its business practices:

McDonald’s is squirming over the revelation that more than 99 percent of the eggs they use in the U.S. come from chickens who are subjected to immense cruelty. In fact, behind every Egg McMuffin are chickens who have had their beaks cut off so they won’t peck each other to death when they are driven to insanity in tiny, barren cages. McDonald’s talks about “Happy Meals,” but gets its eggs from what may be the most abusive factory farming system in existence.
Even Burger King, and McDonald’s Europe, have announced plans to do away with this level of extreme cruelty. But for McDonald’s in the U.S., it’s still standard practice.
Check out Bruce Friedrich’s excellent article about what’s really going on, and how you can help put more pressure on the world’s largest fast food chain:

Monday, June 17, 2013

And Here We Have...

A Picture Says A Thousand Words...All On Its Own.

The Importance of GMO Education

I know many people may not even know what a GMO is or what it means, but it's important that people start understanding what it means.

GMO stands for "genetically modified origins": plainly put - GMO's are genetically modified materials that are bred into our food...genetically modified to be bigger, juicier more plentiful, more withstanding of pesticide - more importantly Monsanto's Roundup and other chemical company's products.

What this also means is that these genetically altered items in our foods that we ingest are metabolized into our body. They don't leave. They don't "digest out". They are speculated to change us in fundamental ways. 

GMO Free Moms website provides a concise statement:

"There are many claims from the public that there are detrimental effects from eating GMOs such as autism, gastrointestinal disorders like IBS, colitis, leaky gut, and crohn’s. The medical establishment has seen an increase in said disorders during the time period GMOs have been on the market, but we much be careful in attributing them to GMOs until there have been the appropriate studies done to validate the claims. Though we should proceed with caution and a safe approach is to avoid GMOs."

But their statement does contain one falsehood: there have been appropriate studies done - no matter what the naysayers may want us to believe... they've been done on pigs and rats and other animals and it's shown that when fed foods with GMO ingredients, over a period of time there were huge increases in cancerous tumors, issues with breast cancer in animals, etc.

Don't believe me? the picture below shows rats fed a diet of Monsanto's GMO Roundup ready corn. These were not the only ones to show results like this.


Another study, done recently, dealt with pigs...and an excerpt from an article by Tom Laskawy references it below:

Look who’s squealing now: GMO lovers freak over new study of sick pigs

"Australian scientists, working with an Iowa farmer and U.S. veterinarians, studied 168 “commercial” piglets as they were raised and fattened for slaughter. Half of the pigs received non-GMO feed and another half ate feed made from GMO corn and soy. Researchers made sure that the GMO feed contained multiple kinds of genetically modified grains that are common in livestock feed; one grain was raised from seed that is herbicide-tolerant, for example, and another from seed that expresses its own pesticide. (One of the complaints of past GMO feeding trials is that they did not reflect actual feeding practices and thus couldn’t account for any potential “synergy” from exposing animals to more than one of these so-called “transgenes.”)
The vets who examined the pigs post-mortem didn’t know whether they were looking at an animal raised on GMO feed or not — to preserve the “blind” nature of the study.
The results, as reported by Reuters:
Researchers said there were no differences seen between pigs fed the GM and non-GM diets for feed intake, weight gain, mortality, and routine blood biochemistry measurements.
But those pigs that ate the GM diet had a higher rate of severe stomach inflammation — 32 percent of GM-fed pigs compared to 12 percent of non-GM-fed pigs. The inflammation was worse in GM-fed males compared to non-GM fed males by a factor of 4.0, and GM-fed females compared to non-GM-fed females by a factor of 2.2. As well, GM-fed pigs had uteri that were 25 percent heavier than non-GM fed pigs, the study said.

Interestingly enough, Many critics of the study agree that it was conducted in a rigorous way, and the findings are intriguing and worth pursuing. The researchers did, after all, find high rates of severe inflammation. As the study’s main author, Judy Carman, observed in a response to critics, all commercial pigs raised in typical hog barn conditions experience gut inflammation to a degree. The point is that the severity was much worse for GMO-fed pigs. "

Any of this should give anyone who is concerned about GMO versus non-GMO reason to have concern about what we feed our children. Even if you had no concerns before now, you should from this day forward ... 

GMO is not natural. And any time you screw with nature - bad things happen.

Do I believe we will be able to rid our market of GMO items? Not necessarily ... however I do believe that mandatory labeling of genetically modified origin products should be law in all 50 states - other countries ban them altogether or require it labeled ... why can't the USA?