Wednesday, September 25, 2013

GMO Awareness IS Important, It Should Not Be Taken Lightly.

Below in non-bold type is a section of editorial from Dr. McDougall's website (below) - then afterwards is my response in bold ~ ModifiedVegan

"Current epidemics of obesity, and related diseases, like type-2 diabetes, were on the rise long before the introduction of GMO foods fewer than two decades ago. For example, the rate of obesity in the US has steadily increased from 15% before the 1980s to over 35% currently.  This shift has been accurately attributed to the dramatic increase in the consumption of sugars and oils, as well as, meat and dairy foods, during this time period.

Fear-mongering over GMO foods with inflammatory statements like “It is the most dangerous thing facing human beings in our generation” are distracting the public, and our political attention, away from the most important food-related threat to human health: livestock (chickens, cows, pigs, etc.).

Livestock act as vectors for the transfer of many harmful substances to people. Sensational food scares, such as Mad Cow, foot and mouth, E. Coli, Listeria, and bird flu infections, and dioxin and melamine poisonings, have dominated the news over the past two decades. Important to note is that, in contrast to plant food-based GMO products, all of these (animal-food-delivered) agents have caused real human diseases, albeit only a few cases for each.

Lurking in the background behind sensational headlines, like the elephant in the room, are the epidemics of obesity and illness caused by eating too many animals and insufficient plants. Major medical organizations, including the World Health Organization and the US Burden of Disease Collaborators, have identified consumption of meat and dairy products as the leading cause of illness and death in Western countries. Heart disease and stroke top the list of diet-induced illnesses worldwide.

Cut GMO Production by at Least Half, Now

Switching people from an animal food-centered diet to one based on starches (rice, corn, wheat, potatoes, beans, etc.) would dramatically, and almost overnight, reduce the farming of GMO foods. This shrinkage would be a direct consequence of eliminating animal feed, used to make bacon, beefsteak, and Brie. Worldwide the number one use of GMO foods is to provide feed for livestock! Approximately 80 percent of all corn and 70 percent of soybeans grown in the United States are consumed by cows, pigs, and chickens destined for people’s dinner tables.

With this long-overdue change in people’s diets (from animal-sources to starches), a glut of corn and soybeans would flood world markets and the need for GMO food production would be more than halved. Over the next few months, pastureland could be replaced by farmland, further escalating food safety and accessibility for planet Earth. (Consider that one acre of land will produce 17 times more calories growing potatoes than growing beef cattle.)

There is no denying that the current epidemics of obesity and sickness in Western civilizations are not caused by GMO foods. Our future depends upon us taking actions based upon today’s facts and not upon tomorrow’s fantasies. Efforts refocused off of the GMO distraction and on to reducing livestock production have the potential to save billions of lives from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer—long before the first case of “human GMO disease” is ever reported."

Below is my response to this ~ MV

"We should still be very wary of GMO food items and work to make sure they are eradicated and made to be the inferior choice for consumption - we don't know the inherent danger that they possess & that is the problem. For over 20 years we have watched health decline in this country, and I think it can be directly related to the combination of the huge rise in GMO's, big boom of unhealthy livestock production (factory farming), and overall lack of care for our own health by eating worse, depending on pharmaceuticals over healthy foods, and lack of care for our environment and the life within it.

We are in a society that is heavy on meat and dairy, and it's very unhealthy for our human bodies because the meat and dairy of today is not like it was 20-30-40 years ago. Now, much of it is laden with hormones, pesticides and antibiotics that have no business being in our meat, dairy, fish or eggs for human or even animal consumption. 

While I agree that it's a mixture of problems that have brought us to the state we are in now, I don't necessarily agree with everything stated in this section of the editorial from Dr. McDougall's website. I do believe much of the GMO movement is NOT a distraction and GMOs ARE an inherent problem, especially when you mix them with antibiotic-laden factory farming rampant in this country. 

I believe both are big problems, but one without the other can still be a huge issue - there have been many many people in many groups that have said simply by cutting out the GMO's from their diet, that their health improved, skin conditions improved, stomach conditions improved, many different things improved physically - and in many of the cases, just by switching to organic foods. They didn't even cut the meat or dairy out of their diet, they just switched to completely organic and many grew their own vegetables as well.

Is this the result of a scientific study with lots and lots of data?  No. This is simply by talking to many different people with many different health problems about their habits and food intake, all who subsequently agreed to adopt a completely organic diet and see what happened over time.

Others I talked to also agreed to go off meat and dairy and adopt a plant-based vegan diet saw even more positive beneficial results.

Myself? I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I was then told by my doctor to go on a plant-based vegan diet with no nuts, no oils, no high-fat vegetables, and no refined sugars or flours. 

I did this and within five months my Type 2 completely disappeared. 

Yes, gone.

My A-1C was lower than a normal healthy person's A-1 C. My blood sugars were fantastic, my cholesterol decreased, and my weight started to come off naturally.

No meds. No daily blood sugar testing.

That was over a year ago. Today, I am still living an organic plant-based vegan lifestyle. And I will continue to help educate people on the benefits of diet and lifestyle over pharmaceuticals and costly treatments that do nothing but exacerbate situations.

I honestly believe that kicking the meat and dairy is what saved my life, in addition to going completely organic and as GMO free as possible - it has also helped other elements of my body: my eyesight has improved, my skin, my hair, my fingernails have all improved and my aches and pains have all decreased. And I have not changed my physical fitness level other than instituting a daily walk. I plan to do more, like light yoga or Pilates as soon as my knee pain decreases enough to do the bends.

I honestly believe that all these things work together to cause our health to deteriorate, and the more we can go back to a natural lifestyle - truly natural lifestyle - the healthier this country will become, WITHOUT Big Pharm.

I will continue to fight to get GMO's labeled and to educate society on the dangers of genetically modified organisms. The fact that we have no idea what they will do is even more complicated by the fact that we essentially don't even know how they are made and what the future impact on our bodies and the development of our maturing childrens bodies will be. 

Example? BT corn. In order to make this corn, it's inserted with a bacteria and an insecticide so when bugs and insects eat it, their stomach essentially explodes. Now, do you think enough of that eaten by humans is safe? I'm sorry, I wouldn't want to be a guinea pig for that sort of test on my body - nor would I knowingly do it to my children. Essentially, we have no idea what it would do to a developing child whose body still hasn't matured yet. Why have the rates of child gluten allergies skyrocketed in recent years? Why is it that a child can eat a non-organic meal and start to feel inflamed itchiness in their mouth and lips, or have stomach pains...yet then eat that same type of meal another day made only with organic foods and have no reaction?  This needs further research, without bias. 

This is why GMO labeling is so important.

These are genetically modified organisms that we are talking about - this does not occur naturally in nature, nor do I feel that nature would want it to occur to begin with. It should be labeled on our foods so we can make our OWN decision on whether we want to ingest them or not, not be FORCED to do so because we "just don't know" that they are in our foods.

You're putting this in a child's body and that body is still maturing and developing - eating genetically modified foods is going to change the make up of their body, no matter what scientists want to say of how safe it should be. There's no "definitive scientific true studies" that can positively say that they are completely 100% safe.  No one can speak for 100% of the world's population because every body is different - we all react differently to different things.

Allergies are another big barometer - allergies develop when the body's histamine responses go haywire with foreign bodies invading our systems. And allergies are skyrocketing all over. To what, you might ask? To anything, and it's random these days. And I honestly feel that messing with nature and genetics has caused a lot of allergies to rise in numbers.

Let's face it, screwing with nature is a really bad idea."

Monday, September 23, 2013

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hormones and GMO in our Food Supply - All Unnecessary

@OrganicLiveFood posted:

How in 1993  approved  rBGH  known 2b linked2early puberty in girl &hormone imbalances in women (below article referenced)

@CompleteSkin answered:

 It's obvious since girls are starting to go through puberty at 8 and 9 instead of 15 when I was a child.

Hormones and GMO in Our Food Supply

America one of the most advanced and wealthiest nations on earth is also one the sickest nations. But how could that be possible and what has happened along the way that the health of a nation has been comprised for the sake of few corporate elites and profit? 


How come all of a sudden it has become normal to accept the increasing number of chemicals, pesticides, wastes and toxins in our food supplywater and cosmetics? And how did we as a nation started to accept the scam of agribusiness industry to secretly genetically modify our foods or add harmful chemicals and factory wastes to our water and food supply or cosmetics?  

Evolution of Hormones in Our Food Supply

Majority of livestock in the states are fed synthetic hormones that can increase the amount of estrogen that we consume in foods. Estrogen is an important hormone for female reproductive system and development of female sexual hormones. Estrogen also helps to control bone growth and cholesterol levels. Too much estrogen has been linked to breast, prostate and endometrial cancer. Humans are exposed to synthetic hormones when they consume animal’s meats that are injected with rBGH or rBST growth hormones. Hormones can increase the chances ofcancer, thyroid disease, diabetesobesityinfertility, asthma and allergies.


Hormones also find their way into our food supply via crops that are sprayed with pesticides or chemicals. They also exist in form of hormone plastic additives in baby bottles, infant formulas and food packaging. No wonder why we see an epidemic of hormone imbalances in women and young girls.

Somehow girls at the age of 5 or men in their 40s are now growing breast! The recent studies show that young girls at the age of 10 are developing puberty.

Heavy Metals Including Flouride, Arsenic, Chlorine, Mercury in Our Food Supply

You might not be surprised to know that arsenic is constantly added to chicken’s diet by food industry.Fluoride and chlorine are both added to water supply and all farmed fish or even wild fish excluding wild sockeye salmon have high levels of mercury and toxins in them.

Toxic additives including high fructose corn syrup added to almost every processed food contains mercury. Lead, mercury and harmful chemical wastes are even added to cosmetics, sprays and makeup.

Bisphenol A is a toxic chemical used for plastic water or baby bottle and 93% of humans contain BPAendogenously.  

Genetically Modified Organisms in Our Food Supply, Many Of Them Secret.

Foods are genetically modified when the genes of one specie is inserted into DNA of another specie. In order to genetically modify foods you need to create non-equilibrium to artificially manipulate, modify or change foods in their cellar levels.  By all means creating a non equilibrium can change and mutate over time. No one has really done any research to find out the endless possible reactions between genetically modify organisms and rBGH growth hormones in our body. The results might not be predictable at the moment and over time can even result in change of bone structure and DNA of human beings.

How Should You Know If You Are Purchasing Pesticide Ridden Foods or GMO?

Purchasing certified organic foods or finding a local farm that applies organic practices is the only way. The good news is that the organic industry has been growing in the last decade and more and more people are becoming aware that the foods that they are eating are making them sick. So why not joining the organic movement today and enjoy a life drug and pain free?

Monday, September 9, 2013

The Most Audacious and Notable Quotes About GMO (Yes, These Were Actually Said).

Still thinking that Genetic Engineering and Biotech is benefiting the world? That theyre out to "save it"? yeah...I smell profit and income, not humanitarianism.

I don't know anyone else but these things said in the media and another publications should really make the world population really take pause...Read On:

"What you are seeing is not just a consolidation of seed companies, it's really a consolidation of the entire food chain" - Robert Fraley, co-president of Monsanto's agricultural sector 1996, in the Farm Journal. Quoted in: Flint J. (1998) Agricultural industry giants moving towards genetic monopolism. Telepolis, Heise.

"People will have Roundup Ready soya whether they like it or not" - Ann Foster, spokesperson for Monsanto in Britian, as quoted in The Nation magazine from article "The Politics of Food" by Maria Margaronis December 27, 1999 issue.

"'It's important for countries around the world to adopt a uniform standard' of acceptable levels of contamination" - Lisa Dry, Biotechnology Industry Association.

"The hope of the industry is that over time the market is so flooded [with GMOs] that there's nothing you can do about it. You just sort of surrender" - Don Westfall, biotech industry consultant and vice-president of Promar International, in the Toronto Star, January 9 2001.

"If you put a label on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on it." - Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Co., a subsidiary of Monsanto, quoted in the Kansas City Star, March 7, 1994

"The total acreage devoted to GM crops around the world is expanding. That may be what eventually brings the debate to an end. It's a hell of a thing to say that the way we win is don't give the consumer a choice, but that might be it" - Dale Adolphe, biotech booster and President of the Canadian Seed Growers Association and previous president of the Canola Council of Canada (Western Producer, 4/4/02).

"Maybe we weren't aggressive enough. . . . When you fight a forest fire, sometimes you have to light another fire." - Phil Angell, Communications Director, Monsanto - when asked about a Monsanto advertising campaign in the UK that increased opposition to genetically engineered food.

"Monsanto should not have to vouchsafe the safety of biotech food. Our interest is in selling as much of it as possible. Assuring its safety is the F.D.A.'s job" - Phil Angell, Monsanto's director of corporate communications. "Playing God in the Garden" New York Times Magazine, October 25, 1998. 

"Ultimately, it is the food producer who is responsible for assuring safety" - FDA, "Statement of Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties" (GMO Policy), Federal Register, Vol. 57, No. 104 (1992), p. 229

"The thing I'm most proud of is the industry's impeccable environmental and safety record" - Robert Fraley, Monsanto's technology chief 

"Stark denials in the face of documented evidence to the contrary have been corporate policy at Monsanto and GE for decades" - Eric Francis, author of Conspiracy of Silence, speaking on the safety of GMO

"I have the feeling that science has transgressed a barrier that should have remained inviolate" - Dr Erwin Chargaff, biochemist and the father of molecular biology in his autobiography

"For years, these guys said PCBs were safe, too. But there's obviously a corporate culture of deceiving the public" - Mike Casey of the Environmental Working Group 

"That is what drives a lot of people crazy. The scope of the fraud, if you will--I know that's a harsh word--the scope of the fraud that's being sold to the American public about this technology is almost unprecedented" - Interview with Dr. Charles Benbrook on GMOs

"Genetically engineered food constitutes a massive experiment on the planet, with potentially devastating effects on human health and the global environment" - Adam Kapp, Columnist for the Penn State Digital Collegian, Nov. 7, 2002. 

"I'm not a religious person, but I think there's something just inherently wrong with this-that they can take different species and combine 'em the way they wanna combine 'em" - Phil Geertson, who runs a small seed business in Idaho.

"Genetic Power's the most awesome force the planet's ever seen, but you wield it like a kid who's found his dad's gun.... and before you even knew what you had you patented it and packaged it and slapped it on a plastic lunch box, and now you're selling it, you want to sell it" Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park 

"I recognized my two selves: a crusading idealist and a cold, granitic believer in the law of the jungle" - Edgar Monsanto Queeny, Monsanto chairman, 1943-63, "The Spirit of Enterprise", 1934.

Juicing Challenge - Days 5-9

Juicing still going strong - but hubby caved, and had to eat something he could chew. ;-)

BUT - The one positive that has come out of this is my husband has now converted to a modified plant-based diet and that means plant-based (aka: vegan) with no oils, no refined flours or sugars. So now it is MUCH easier to cook around here! (Now, if we could just get the child to NOT love cheese and pick fruits and veggies over crackers and cheese would be perfect! She is so resistant to anything without flour! We've tried everything to get her interested in fruits and veggies over processed stuff...ugh!)

We are both still juicing, but I am eating fruits and vegetables in addition to my juicing and my husband is now eating some grains, fruits and vegetables ...very simple things.

The important thing to take away from this is that we are not eating any junk food or processed foods anymore, vegan or we are feeling so much better - better moods, better skin, better hair, more energy!!

Next week I start incorporating whole grain quinoa, rice, and other healthy grains back in my diet but in very small quantities - as well as some legumes.

Juice On!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Juicing Challenge - Day 4

Here we are - day 4...we have hit the "I'm-over-this-juicing-thing!

But seriously though, we are still faring well.  As of today - we have added in fresh fruit and veggies though to supplement - mainly because our docs recommend it.

And we both need to feel fuller. We are still feeling great, and have noticed great changes in our skin, eyes, hair and even weight. My husband lost 5 pounds already, and I will be weighing in on Sunday to see how I have done. But my clothes are looser, so I think that's a positive sign!

So, keep on juicing...but if you even feel like quitting - DON'T. Just add in fresh fruits and veggies in their natural form and it will help with the hunger and jitters (if you get them)

And, always remember: JUICE AND EAT ORGANIC!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Juice Challenge: Day 3

Day three...what can I say - It's been tough! And the headaches! UGH!

My neighbors were cooking and baking this afternoon, and oh man...did it smell heavenly!

And wouldn't you know doc told me today that I need to incorporate fresh veggies and fruit in whole form as well after 7 days for a couple of days. Basically that means, 7 days juice and smoothie (fruit and veggie ONLY) fast, then two or three days of juices and fruits and veggies, then back to fruit and veggies juices and smoothies for 7 more days. She doesn't want me doing 15 days straight of juices only.

Which, let's be honest - I am NOT broken up over.

Hubby made a YUMMY watermelon, lemon, lime and grapefuit juice today....I could literally live on that! So good!

BUT, we have to incorporate veggies in our juices too, so now it's time to get creative again. They just don't taste as great, honestly.

My skin feels softer, eyesight is a little sharper and my eyes are not nearly as dry on a chronic basis. I don't weigh in until Sunday, so I am anxious to have that day arrive so I can see how well this is going...

Juice On!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Day 2: Juicing Challenge

The title says it all...challenge!

At this point, we have upped our number of juiced glasses we consume (total necessity...otherwise we would be tearing the head off the cat and eating her - and since I'm plant-based, and he's vegetarian...that would really be awful!)

We got creative today, and they all turned out good! What we have discovered however: I have a raging headache and irritability, and my husband has seemingly unending hunger...all part of the 'healing" process, I'm told. (Let's hope so!)

Otherwise, I am feeling "fresh" - meaning I am not feeling groggy and bloated after doing this for two days. My skin is softer and my eyesight is sharper (no joke...I'm not blinking repeatedly to moisten my contacts and trying to focus all the time.)

I have noticed that my Urticaria is still having mild flare-ups though. Strange. Though it is just red spots and not raised itchy bumps...I'll have to talk to the doc about that...

Overall, we are doing ok...if we can get past the intense urge to chew something, we'll be great.

Illuminating True Statement...

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day 1: 15 Day Juicing Challenge.

Well, I started out the morning with warm lemon water to jump start my digestive system - then we juiced some carrot and apples, sat back and drank our breakfast.

So far, so good...

Then about a half hour later it was time for more juice...this time we got creative. That's when the funny stuff started.

So we threw in some dandelion leaves, broccoli stalk, celery, tomatoes, carrots, apple and grapes. All was good until the dandelion leaves went in.

Note to self: NEVER juice dandelion leaves. I don't care if they are juicable and beneficial...they are awful.

But we drank the juice...and have regretted it ever since. I swear there are drug properties in those leaves. I was lightheaded and ill for a good two hours, and then queasy in the tummy. After awhile it went away, so we commenced juicing again - this time with actual recipes. 

The recent one is an orange, mango, lime, cucumber and ginger dream! Soooo good!

I started getting tired pretty early in the afternoon...very common, so it's no surprise.

We've learned two things today: hunger is fast and hard, so juice more frequently...and man, this is gonna be rough!

Tuesday I visit my doc to make sure all is going well, and she stressed the possibility that I might have to add in fresh fruit and vegetables in their whole form as well, since I do have health issues, because she wants to make sure I have no emergency issues...test results on Tuesday will determine if I stick it out for the 15 days on juice only. (I'm confident I'll be just fine ;-) )

I did find out though, that many people supplement their juicing with eating fresh whole fruit and veggies WITHOUT cooking or adding to ingredients to them to accomplish their cleanse. Thats it though - no more foods other than that. So healthy! Plus, you get your protein in whole form too from avocados, a little broccoli, kale, etc...Seems like a great way to cover all bases! I was also advised to add a little ( a little! ) organic, non-GMO coconut oil to my carrot juices...helps the liver out when processing, apparently.

So that's day 1!!! Onward and upward...juice on!