People need to realize - effects of chemicals we ingest daily, especially a form of Agent Orange (RoundUp), will not be seen immediately in most cases and instead rear it's ugly head in our offspring and our older age - haven't we learned this from Vietnam? Sad....
I am amazed at the amount of people who really are not aware of the effects of Agent Orange even now.
My father was over in Vietnam - TWICE - and that crap was sprayed constantly.
Even today, children of Vietnam War-era parents and their children over in Vietnam are dealing with health issues, birth defects and more...and they are even finding that issues with children and grandchildren of Vietnam soldiers likely may be linked to exposure and inheritance of Agent Orange exposure from Vietnam War family members.
For instance, my father is in his 60s, but has the veins of a 96 year old man. He's had a major heart attack and a stroke. He's also had muscle and joint deterioration not representative of his age. These are not inherent problems in our family. He's now had the VA determine that his heart, vein, joint and muscle issues are a result of Agent Orange exposure.
FINALLY, some answers.
Additionally, I have near-blind eyesight and I have had this issue since birth. I also recently found out last year that I have a muscle & joint degenerative issue, and I was only 38 at this point - this is something that does not generally happen in women my age at this extent, especially when my Vitamin and Calcium levels are optimal.
We don't have these issues in our family genetically - and it's only recently that doctors have been seriously looking at my and my father's link to the Agent Orange issue.
If you are the offspring of a Vietnam vet, and have health issues that are not normal to your age or family - contact your local VA hospital. You may or may not be eligible to have them sit down with you and perform some tests and research.
(and additionally - going Vegan literally has saved my life in regards to these issues - helping to eliminate my late-onset type 2 diabetes by cleaning out my clogged cells and helping drop the weight, cleaning out my arteries and veins and having my cholesterol drop significantly, and alleviating the muscle and joint pain: my doc was right - animal proteins are not good for the body (maybe not for everyone, but for many), and me kicking them out has proved this for my own body)....