So today I am talking to my 8-year-old daughter and she tells me:
"Mom, Nana ordered a Diet Coke at lunch!" ... (I have taught my daughter what is healthy and what is not, and that soda is "basically poison" and she is always chiding my mom when she orders diet sodas.)
So I say, "Ok, so what did you say to her?"
In a matter-of-fact, indignant tone, she said - "'No, Nana! I'm telling mom!' Nana said 'Tell her, I don't care...'. So I called you! Then, the waitress brought it, so I took that Diet Coke right back to the ordering desk and told them to 'Please keep it and please do not poison my Nana - and if she orders one again to please not give it to her, give her water instead'!"
Needless to say, I was laughing so hard I literally cried AND felt a sense of pride in my daughter that is probably insane to most people...And of course, my mother was NOT amused to have that happen in a restaurant. It drives her crazy how health conscious her 8-year-old granddaughter is.
And apparently the people in the restaurant loved it, as did the mom just shook her head and sighed.
Ahhh, revenge is truly mine.
I love that kid ;-)
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