It's a killer. That's why. Silently, and deadly, over time it spreads in our bodies and destroys us from within...
GMOs were first introduced in the 90s - and while that is quite awhile ago, it is still not ideal for long-term studies. Why? Because no long-term studies have been done from the moment they were introduced. No one thought to actually see if these are going to be dangerous in the long-term when they introduced them into the food supply. Huh, well that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy towards GMO now doesn't it?
There have been many studies done on GMO effects over time, but the studies and research material that show negative effects resulting from GMO done by those companies who produce them is "confidential" or wildly lacking in any real information. And others who do those same studies and get those same results are pressured by media, lawsuits and the like here in the states.
There have been many studies done on GMO effects over time, but the studies and research material that show negative effects resulting from GMO done by those companies who produce them is "confidential" or wildly lacking in any real information. And others who do those same studies and get those same results are pressured by media, lawsuits and the like here in the states.
Many of the international studies done support our concerns for anti-GMO, and this is likely why over 60 other countries have either banned or require labeling of GMOs.
Scientists who have flipped to the anti-GMO side and have worked in that industry have stated that they know for a fact that the GMOs have tested negatively and can impact health over time, and in some cases a short amount of time for people who were more sensitive to them.
I don't know about anyone else, but I have zero desire to consume corn that has been bred with pesticide IN IT. Yes, BT corn - when ingested by insects - makes their stomachs bloat up and explode. It comes from the pesticide in the corn, not on it...IN IT. That is no joke, people. And this corn is sold for our consumption as well. Just head to WalMart for your corn if you want a little of that action.
Scientists who have flipped to the anti-GMO side and have worked in that industry have stated that they know for a fact that the GMOs have tested negatively and can impact health over time, and in some cases a short amount of time for people who were more sensitive to them.
I don't know about anyone else, but I have zero desire to consume corn that has been bred with pesticide IN IT. Yes, BT corn - when ingested by insects - makes their stomachs bloat up and explode. It comes from the pesticide in the corn, not on it...IN IT. That is no joke, people. And this corn is sold for our consumption as well. Just head to WalMart for your corn if you want a little of that action.
So many people want fact: I too want definitive proof, but its unrealistic because there have been so many instances where lab results, studies and detailed documents have literally "disappeared" in the course of research - or worse yet, been "edited" and/or "modified" to highlight more "desirable results".
Huh, I wonder why that is...
Worse yet, some research over the years got the kibosh put on it - in Monsanto's own backyard. So what happened to it? Destroyed. All data purged.
Why? It likely yielded results that they were not happy with, that did not support their claims. A few former employees have stated just that fact.
Surprised? Thought they were working ..."for the benefit of the world?"...If you are and did, then you are sadly naïve.
And in their place? Detailed glowing reports of the benefits and great results from "these studies, just pay attention to these studies showing the wonderful results from our GMO products!"
Dig deep enough, and you will find even the most innocent of studies and research panels are backed by Monsanto, Dow, just have to keep digging and you will find the link - after you have broken through the smokescreen of "the so-and-so Foundation", or "Center for Whatever", I could go on with the unlimited amount of "fronts" these companies use to hide that they are the ones actually paying for the studies and research, that they are the ones paying for the scathing ads at election time against labeling reform for GMO - in addition to the ones that they proudly put their name on also. They figure if they use bogus foundations and feel-good names and add that to their "transparent" ads, that voters will see that "more than just the evil Monsanto thinks this isn't a good idea..." Yeah, those of us who know better should be running to those polls to vote YES on any labeling initiative.
Hell, we even have former Monsanto higher-ups who are now members in government, sit on the bench as a Supreme Court justice, and even head of the FDA! (link: )
Again, In this day and age it's almost impossible to find definitive proof on anything. Too many biased hands in the pot. Almost 100% of studies are never 100% accurate - or even 75%... on ANY side. They are frequently conducted with enough error and bias to skew much of the results in the solicitor's (those who pay to have it done) favor - in some cases not even on purpose. This is why they are rarely reliable - unless they can be repeated multiple times, with different people conducting them AND still have the same results each time.
In the end - for me, correlative proof is adequate enough to tell me that this is not safe for any of us. Raw experience and experimentation is a fantastic way to really see the results. I've done it myself, as have many others - a few I reference further along in this post.
I recommend: Ditch everything that is NOT organic. Ditch all processed and refined foods - even organic ones. And above all, eliminate meat and dairy from the diet. Eat only fresh, organic fruits and veggies and stick to organic beans and spices. Prepare your OWN food.
Yeah, there will be no eating out in restaurants. Get over it. Yeah, there's no more ice cream runs to the store, or grabbing a pizza on the way home from work. It sucks, move on. Get over it.
If you have not prepared it yourself or do not know what goes into it - it is not edible.
Huh, I wonder why that is...
Worse yet, some research over the years got the kibosh put on it - in Monsanto's own backyard. So what happened to it? Destroyed. All data purged.
Why? It likely yielded results that they were not happy with, that did not support their claims. A few former employees have stated just that fact.
Surprised? Thought they were working ..."for the benefit of the world?"...If you are and did, then you are sadly naïve.
And in their place? Detailed glowing reports of the benefits and great results from "these studies, just pay attention to these studies showing the wonderful results from our GMO products!"
Dig deep enough, and you will find even the most innocent of studies and research panels are backed by Monsanto, Dow, just have to keep digging and you will find the link - after you have broken through the smokescreen of "the so-and-so Foundation", or "Center for Whatever", I could go on with the unlimited amount of "fronts" these companies use to hide that they are the ones actually paying for the studies and research, that they are the ones paying for the scathing ads at election time against labeling reform for GMO - in addition to the ones that they proudly put their name on also. They figure if they use bogus foundations and feel-good names and add that to their "transparent" ads, that voters will see that "more than just the evil Monsanto thinks this isn't a good idea..." Yeah, those of us who know better should be running to those polls to vote YES on any labeling initiative.
Hell, we even have former Monsanto higher-ups who are now members in government, sit on the bench as a Supreme Court justice, and even head of the FDA! (link: )
Again, In this day and age it's almost impossible to find definitive proof on anything. Too many biased hands in the pot. Almost 100% of studies are never 100% accurate - or even 75%... on ANY side. They are frequently conducted with enough error and bias to skew much of the results in the solicitor's (those who pay to have it done) favor - in some cases not even on purpose. This is why they are rarely reliable - unless they can be repeated multiple times, with different people conducting them AND still have the same results each time.
In the end - for me, correlative proof is adequate enough to tell me that this is not safe for any of us. Raw experience and experimentation is a fantastic way to really see the results. I've done it myself, as have many others - a few I reference further along in this post.
I recommend: Ditch everything that is NOT organic. Ditch all processed and refined foods - even organic ones. And above all, eliminate meat and dairy from the diet. Eat only fresh, organic fruits and veggies and stick to organic beans and spices. Prepare your OWN food.
Yeah, there will be no eating out in restaurants. Get over it. Yeah, there's no more ice cream runs to the store, or grabbing a pizza on the way home from work. It sucks, move on. Get over it.
If you have not prepared it yourself or do not know what goes into it - it is not edible.
I am working on a piece for publication (hopefully!) - and have boxes and boxes of documents and statements from people who have changed their lives by omitting GMO ingredients from their diets, cutting out a majority or all processed foods (even those that are vegan and organic), and going strictly organic, non-GMO plant-based for a dietary lifestyle change ... and some also cutting out all animal proteins permanently.
Every one of them saw significant improvement in their health. I also have three different case studies that show three different people with various forms of cancer - two of them: their cancer went into complete remission in a year's time - no chemo, no radiation - just diet and lifestyle change by changing to an organic, GMO-free diet heavy on veggies and fruits - no oils, no saturated fats, no wheat, no soy, and no meat or dairy....
And the third person? That person's tumor dramatically decreased in a matter of 7 months by doing the same. ALL of their doctors and specialists are ecstatic. And we are still monitoring them with phone calls and follow-ups after appointments.
GMO IS a huge factor in the health of this country, going hand in hand with the unreal amount of hormone-infested meats and dairy products... and fatty, heavily processed foods that add to that sickening "American diet".
If you do nothing else to change your life: do ONE thing and you will see improvement - Go ORGANIC. At least that way you are eliminating much of the GMO infestation out there.
And something else you can do? SUPPORT I-522: The labeling initiative in Washington State! Spread the word on this, whether you live in WA or not! Monsanto, Dow, The Grocer's Association, and more are lobbing MILLIONS to defeat this in the November election...and why? Because they know what will happen if this passes. This will help change occur for ALL states who see that WA state residents refuse to have the wool pulled down over their eyes any longer - and will NOT be poisoned.
And something else you can do? SUPPORT I-522: The labeling initiative in Washington State! Spread the word on this, whether you live in WA or not! Monsanto, Dow, The Grocer's Association, and more are lobbing MILLIONS to defeat this in the November election...and why? Because they know what will happen if this passes. This will help change occur for ALL states who see that WA state residents refuse to have the wool pulled down over their eyes any longer - and will NOT be poisoned.
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